Friday 22 January 2016

For only those who care about staying healthy: 10 WAYS TO COPE WITH THIS HARSH DRY WEATHER

There is no doubt about the hazardous nature of the dry harsh weather of  the Harmattan season. This season which often starts from the last two months of the year right up to January and beyond brings an unusual feeling of dehydration to the body, dustiness to the surroundings and consequently increased manifestations of bacterial and viral infections such as Conjunctivitis, flu, rhinitis and other respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, etc.
Because useful financial resources and time are spent as a result of the manifestation of these diseases, it becomes relevant to educate the populace on measures to take to stay healthy and protected from infections.

1. Take plenty of fluids especially, Water to keep your body cool and well hydrated.

2. Take lots of fruits and vegetables - the vitamins contained there fortifies the immune system against the effects of infectious agents being blown around by the dry wind.

3. Maintain good hygiene - keep hands very clean and disinfected as the hands are easily  contaminated by germs blown about by the dry wind

4. Protect processed and unprocessed food items from germs by properly storing them away from
household pests, especially rodents (Recall that the Mastomys rat is the vector of the dreaded LASSA FEVER)

5. Adhere to the treatments given you by your doctor and do not abuse your drugs. For any inquiries about drugs, see a Pharmacist.

6. Avoid alcohol or drink sparingly - Alcohol will further dehydrate you and predispose your immune system to more microbial challenge/infections

7. Avoid smoking tobacco and other psychoactive substances and intake of hard drugs.

8.Avoid sedentary lifestyle - Exercise more often and be conscious of diet and unnecessary weight gain

9. Avoid stress - as release of free radicals in the body due to stress leads to deterioration of health and increased infections

10. Avoid injuries and be safety-conscious. 
  • Do not keep items on passageways; 
  • Do not drive under influence
  • Do not take unnecessary risks
  • Keep medicines out of the reach of children

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