Friday 5 February 2016


FMC OWERRI Pharmacists with the Project coordinator (CEO of Pharma-Guide Nigeria squatting) after lectures on World Cancer Day 2016 
February 4, 2016 was one day Pharma-Guide Nigeria would not want to forget in a rush as she did her best in creating awareness of the Cancer disease at Owerri, South-Eastern Nigeria. The annual celebration of #WorldCancerDay serves as an opportunity for individuals and organizations/groups to meditate on the impact of Cancer and join forces to wage a war against the disease. It is a time to appraise efforts employed thud far in nipping this health evil in its bud.
Yes, #WeCanICan bring #cancer to a fall by reducing deaths due to Cancer and reducing new Cancer cases. Enjoy perusing through!
Pharma-Guide Nigeria banner on World Cancer Day 2016 

Intern Pharmacists with the Directors of Pharmacy at FMC OWERRI & the CEO, Pharma-Guide Nigeria (Middle)  on #WCD2016 
Assistant Director of Pharmacy, Pharm Dr. (Mrs) Maureen E. Nwosu making a point after the lectures

Assistant Director and Ag. HOD, Pharm Dr. (Mrs) Maria Opara signing an autograph of solidarity for the fight against Cancer. 

Pharmacists listening to a presentation 

Pharm Dr (Mrs ) Maureen E Nwosu signing her autograph to stupor the fight against Cancer 

Pharm Onyinye Ebinyasi (on striped top) and other FMC Pharmacists listening to a presentation. 

Pharm. Dr Chika Oraenyem-Francis signing his autograph 

Pharma-Guide Nigeria's boss, Joe signs his'

Pharm Tochi Nnorom signing his autograph 

The organizing crew: Joe, Onyinye, Tochi Nnorom and Pharm. Gabriel Nwokolo 

Our Directors

Pharma-Guide Nigeria crew: Joe, Onyinye and Tochi 

Pharma-Guide Nigeria's boss & Pharm Dr (Mrs) Oparaq
Pharm (Mrs) Ugochi Sylvester signs her solidarity autograph after presenting a wonderful lecture earlier on. 
Special thanks to all who made the event a success especially our Directors and all the Pharmacists at Federal Medical Center Owerri.

To Pharm. Onyinye Ebinyasi, who made the rosettes with the ribbons and Pharm Nwokolo Gabriel aka Lord Tsage who made the designs on cardboard and Pharm. Nnorom who helped put logistics together, I say a hearty thanks and wish you God's blessings in all your endeavours. 

Onyi, making the rosettes 

Lord Tsage spicing up the Cardboards with his craft.

Thanks for viewing! 

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